I started reading this article 3 days ago and then got distracted by my daughter's birthday but I wanted to come back because it's a really interesting topic. I was home educated and I've written about how it didn't work for me and how resentful I was of the choices my parents made. But one thing that was never a problem for me was socialisation. We had other home educated friends, friends who lived on our street. Friends who we met through classes. Loads of friends. You only have to watch a kid in a playpark for five minutes to know that children tend to gravitate towards each other, make friends quickly, and form bonds easily (in general). We are programmed to be social animals, that's the easy bit. When I finally got my own way and went to school, I didn't have any issues with socialisation. Just a total lack of regard for hierarchy in the school system which really wasn't an issue for me but I suspect caused a few of my teachers to pull their hair out.